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(formerly: All Energy-Therapies Web)

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Some commonly-held erroneous beliefs concerning the Art of Usui Reiki Ryoho
Copyright © 2007 James Deacon
[Latest addition: Jun. 17. 2007]


MYTH: # "The majority of 'Japanese' Reiki styles are not based on Western Reiki"

MYTH: # "Usui-sensei received the Reiki ability while performing something called the
...............'Gumonji ho' (Morning Star Meditation) at Mt Kurama"

MYTH: # "Usui-sensei received the Reiki ability while performing something called the
............... 'Lotus Repentance' ritual at Mt Kurama"

MYTH: # "The Reiki Principles come originally from the Meiji Emperor"

MYTH: # "The Reiki symbols must be kept secret"

MYTH: # "The word Reiki means 'Universal Energy'"

MYTH: # "Reiki comes from Tibet (China/Egypt/Atlantis/Lemuria, etc)"

MYTH: # "Reiki is a Buddhist healing practice"

MYTH: # "Originally there were more than four Reiki symbols, but many have been lost"

MYTH: # "Originally there were more than four Reiki symbols, but Mrs Takata was only taught four
- because she was only a woman, and technically a foreigner"

MYTH: # "The Reiki symbols have no power of their own"

MYTH: # "Reiki knows where to go"

MYTH: # "The Reiki symbols are merely 'training wheels' - something to be, in time, discarded"

MYTH: # "Reiki is a religion"

MYTH: # "Reiki was re-discovered in the 19thC"

MYTH: # "Reiki can do no harm"

MYTH: # "You don't need to be attuned ( / initiated) in order to use Usui Reiki Ryoho"

MYTH: # "Jesus used Reiki to perform his healing miracles"

MYTH: # "Some new forms of Reiki are more powerful than Usui Reiki"

MYTH: # "Reiki energy flows in through the crown chakra and out through the palm-chakras"

MYTH: # "The more powerful the Reiki, the more effectively it will heal "

MYTH: # "The symbols permit us to access different energies within the Reiki energy itself"

MYTH: # "It is OK to send someone Reiki without their permission - just intend that it works for their 'highest good'"

MYTH: # "A weekend seminar can make you a Reiki Master"

MYTH: # "Reiki is an 'intelligent energy' "

MYTH: # "Reiki was re-discovered in the 20thC"

MYTH: # "It doesn't matter if you're not really sure what your doing - it's your intent that counts..
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If you make a mistake, your 'guides' will correct it"

MYTH: # "Mrs Takata made up the story about Dr.Usui being a Christian - to make Reiki more acceptable to Americans"

MYTH: # "Mrs Takata started the practice of charging large fees for teaching Reiki"

MYTH: # "Reiki will only be accepted if the individual's 'higher self' permits it"

MYTH: # "A Reiki Initiation is permanent - it can never be undone"

MYTH: # "The chakra-system was part of Usui-sensei's teachings"

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