James Deacon's...... Reiki Pages..............................
(formerly: All Energy-Therapies Web)

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Copyright © 2006 James Deacon
[Modified: Dec. 14. 2006]


'Reiki' is an initiatorially-received (initiatorially-awakened?) ability to interact with a very specific set of therapeutic qualities - or, as some would phrase it: a very specific set of 'therapeutic energy-frequencies' *, which are not normally consciously accessible to us.

On one level, the purpose of the Reiki initiations is to calibrate or fine-tune the student's awareness/sensitivity/interactivity to that particular set of therapeutic energy-frequencies.

In order to pass the specific initiation to another - in order to fine-tune (rather than attune) them to the set of frequencies that constitutes the therapeutic qualities of (pure) Reiki, we ourselves must first have received that specific initiation - we must have ourselves been fine-tuned to these specific frequencies.

If we have not - if we do not, as it is phrased "hold the energy": this specific set of frequencies - then we cannot pass this particular 'fine-tunement' on to another:

"You cannot give what you do not have".


Modified forms of the Initiation process

The Reiki Initiations as used and taught by Takata together comprise a very precise process - just like a mathemathical or chemical formula (or a food recipe for that matter)

You follow the process/formula and you get what you are supposed to get.

But if you start messing about with the process - alter the process - change the number or nature of one or more of the 'ingredients', change the point in the process where certain proceedures are carried out or the order in which the 'ingredients' are added to the mix, you are likely to end up with something other than what you were supposed to get.

"Modify the formula, and you get a different result."


IMO, modifying the initiations results in the student being 'fine-tuned' to a slightly different set of frequencies (some might say, a less 'pure' or less 'effective', perhaps even less-than-therapeutic, set of frequencies).

We can only pass on what we have; and if what we have is fine-tunement to a slightly different set of frequencies, then (in using the same modified version of initiation process that was used to initiate us) this is what we will pass to others.

Even if we revert to using the actual initiation process as taught by Takata-sensei, unless we have first received this form of the initiation ourselves, then what we pass will still be a slightly different set of frequencies.

In an attempt to clarify this point [though by the time you've read the following, it may well be even less clear !]:

If we are 'fine-tuned' to a particular set of energy-frequencies, then by using the identical process by which we became 'fine-tuned' to this specific set of frequencies, then this is what we will pass on to others - 'fine-tunement' to the identical, specific set of frequencies we ourselves hold

If, however, we modify the process, then we pass on a modified version of what we ourselves hold.

For example:
If I have received, say, Tera Mai Reiki - then in using the Tera Mai initiation, I will pass this set of 'frequencies' on to the other person.

However if (sticking with the same example), having been attuned to Tera Mai, instead of the Tera Mai initiation, I use, for example, the Jikiden initiation process, (without having myself received the Jikiden 'frequencies'), then what I am passing is actually the Tera Mai frequencies, modified by the Jikiden process, rather than the 'pure' Jikiden frequencies themselves.

The person receiving this 'impure' Jikiden, even in passing on initiation via the Jikiden process, will still not be passing 'pure' Jikiden frequencies (as they never had them in the first place).

Alternatively, lets say (having been attuned to Tera Mai), I decide to create a new 'style' of Reiki (and lets be egotistical and call it James Deacon Reiki). Instead of using the Tera Mai initiation, I create a new initiation process (perhaps using new symbols, or initiation points or whatever). In using this new process, what I am passing is actually the Tera Mai frequencies, modified by the new process.

This particular 'impure' or modified version of the Tera Mai frequencies now becomes known as 'James Deacon Reiki'.

I pass the James Deacon Reiki initiation to someone.

Having received the James Deacon Reiki frequencies (i.e the Tera Mai frequencies, modified by the new initiation process), that person, by themselves using the James Deacon Reiki initiation process, will pass this same set of 'frequencies' on to the next person. While this set of frequencies may technically be considered to be an impure version of Tera Mai, it is at the same, the 'pure' set of James Deacon Reiki frequencies; and this is what the next person receives: pure James Deacon Reiki.

Everyone who receives this James Deacon Reiki frequency-set can, by using the specific James Deacon Reiki initiation process, pass the pure James Deacon Reiki (aka impure Tera Mai) on to the next person.

However, someone who has, say, 'Usui Shiki' Reiki frequencies, (but who has not received the James Deacon Reiki frequencies) even if they use the James Deacon Reiki initiation process, will not be passing 'pure' James Deacon Reiki - but rather 'Usui Shiki' modified by the James Deacon Reiki process.

and so the 'frequency-set' has changed once again...

In turn, the person receiving this 'impure' James Deacon Reiki, even in passing on initiation via the James Deacon Reiki process, will still not be passing 'pure' James Deacon Reiki frequencies (as they never had them in the first place)...

Now, if that person, holding the 'impure' version of the James Deacon Reiki frequencies, should choose to use, let us say, the Komyo initiation processs....

This, I believe, can go some way to explaining why there is a different 'feel' (in some cases, subtle, in others not so subtle) to the Reiki channeled by practitioners in certain lineages.

The greater the changes to the initiation process, the greater the energetic difference, to the point where the frequencies to which the student becomes attuned cease to be recognised as 'Reiki' at all - a prime example being the modified versions of the Reiki initiations as used in Tera Mai.

Modifications to the initiation process could also account for instances where the 'fine-tuning' simply just doesn't 'take' at all: the student complains of feeling tired or drained after giving Reiki treatments - a sign that, uneable to channel Reiki, they are in fact using personal ki to bring about healing - and in doing so, are depleting their own vital life force.

*existing within / as part of, the omnipresent Universal Life-force Energy




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