© 2005 James Deacon

Reiki Ryoho Hikkei
'Hikkei - that is: the Reiki Ryoho Hikkei (Reiki
Treatment Companion) is a 68 page manual, said to be given to
Level 1 (Shoden) students of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai.
The 'Hikkei is comprised of: an introductory explanation &
a Reiki Q & A section
(- supposedly in Usui Sensei's own words), a healing guide (Ryoho
Shishin), & Gyosei - waka poetry penned by the
Emperor Meiji.
We are told that the 'Hikkei' was compiled in the 1970's
by Kimiko Koyama, sixth kaicho (president
/ chairman) of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai.
follows is a translation of the Q & A section.
I make these teachings public"
- an explanation by the founder Mikao Usui
Version, Copyright © 2004/5 James Deacon]
an old tradition that if someone discovers a secret art, they
keep it within the family to secure a future for their heirs and
descendants. It is not shared with others.
But this is an old-fashioned custom from the old century. In this
modern era human happiness is based on living and working together
and a desire for social development. For this reason, I wont allow
it to just be kept within the family.
Our method is something completely original, there is nothing
like it in the whole world. Therefore, I want to share it with
the public for the benefit of all humanity. Everyone has the potential
to receive the spiritual gift, uniting body and soul, a divine
Our method is an original one, based on the spiritual power of
the universe. By this power, first a person becomes healthy, then
the mind becomes calm and life becomes more joyous.
Nowadays, we need to restructure and improve our lives within
and without, that we may free our fellow beings from emotional
and physical suffering.
is why I make these teachings public.
What is Usui Reiki Ryoho?
we have received the Meiji Emperor's precepts.
That humanity may discover its proper path, we must live according
to these precepts.
We must learn to improve body and heart-spirit [kokoro].
First we heal the heart-spirit, then we make the body healthy.
When the heart-spirit finds the healthy, righteous path, the body
will automatically become healthy. Thus heart-spirit and body
are in harmony and our life is joyous and peaceful. We heal of
ourselves and others and deepen the happiness of ourselves and
others. This is the aim of Usui Reiki Ryoho.
Is Usui Reiki Ryoho like hypnosis, kiai
treatment*, shinko
(religious healing) or similar, just under a different name?
Using the voice to express and direct concentrated ki]
no. There is no similarity to any of these methods. After many
years of rigorous spiritual discipline, I discovered a spiritual
secret: a method of freeing the body and soul [rei].
Is it a spiritual healing method [shinrei
you could call it that. But it is also a physical healing method
as ki and light radiate from the body of the practitioner
- particularly from their hands, eyes and mouth. So if they focus
the eyes, breathe on, or stroke the affected area, pain such as
toothache, headache, neuralgia, colic, stomach-ache, cuts, bruises,
burns, etc. will be gone. However, chronic disorders are not that
easy to treat - they take time. But even one treatment will bring
signs of improvement. How can medical science explain this phenomenon?
Well, the reality is more impressive than fiction. If you observed
the results for yourself you would agree. Even those who don't
want to believe cannot ignore the results.
Is belief in Usui Reiki Ryoho necessary for healing to be effective?
it isn't a psychological method like psychotherapy or hypnosis.
As it is not based on suggestion, faith and acquiescence are not
required. It doesn't matter if a person doubts or flatly refuses
to believe in it. For example, it works just as well with small
children and those who are seriously ill and unconscious. Perhaps
one in ten has faith in our method before treatment, but after
that first treatment most people feel the benefits and then their
faith develops.
can be cured by Usui Reiki Ryoho?
disorders, whether psychological or organic in origin can be treated
by this method.
Does Usui Reiki Ryoho only heal physical illnesses/diseases?
it not only heals physical problems - it can also heal bad habits
and psychological disorders such as despair, weakness (of
character), timidity, indecisiveness and nervousness. Through
this method the heart-spirit identifies with the divine nature
and we desire to heal others. This is how we achieve happiness.
How does Usui Reiki Ryoho work?
did not receive this method from anyone else. Nor did I train
or study to develop supernatural powers. While fasting, I had
a mystical experience - I felt an intense energy - and with it,
the realization that I had received the spiritual gift of healing.
So, even though I am the founder of this method, I find it hard
to explain it clearly. Physicians and scholars have been researching
such phenomena, but as yet, it has been difficult to reach a scientific
explanation. One day, there will be a scientific explanation.
Does Usui Reiki Ryoho use medicines and are there any side
does not use medicines or medical equipment. Only focussing the
eyes, blowing, laying on of hands, tapping, and stroking. This
is how it heals.
In order to use Usui Reiki Ryoho does one need medical knowledge?
method is a spiritual one, it transcends medical science - it
is not based on it. The desired effect is achieved by focussing
with the eyes, blowing on, touching or stroking the affected area.
For example, for brain problems, give treatment to the head; for
stomach problems, the stomach; for eye disorders, treat the eyes.
There is no need for bitter medicines or burning moxa treatments,
yet within a short time you will be returned to health. This is
why our spiritual method [reiho]
is quite original.
What do well-known medical practitioners think about it?
well-known medical practitioners seem fair in their assessments.
Nowadays, western-style physicians are very critical of over-prescription
of medicines.
Dr Sen Nagai from Teikoku Medical University said: "As physicians,
we know how to diagnose, record and understand illness, but we
don't really know how to treat it".
DR Kondo said:"It is arrogant to claim that medical science
has made great progress, as it fails to address the psychological/spiritual
aspect of the patient. This is its biggest shortcoming."
DR Hara said:"It is wrong to treat humans, possessing spiritual
wisdom, like animals. It is my belief that in the future we can
expect a great transformation in the therapeutic field."
DR Kuga said:"The fact is that therapists who are not trained
physicians have achieved higher levels of success than medical
doctors because their therapies take into account the character
and personal symptoms of the patient and utilize many different
methods of treatment. It would be very narrow-minded for the medical
establishment to blindly reject these therapists or attempt to
impede their practice." (from the medical journal: 'Japanese
Medical News')
and pharmacists often recognize this fact and come to receive
training (in our method).
What does the government think?
February 6th 1922, Parliamentary Representative Teiji Matsushita,
asked the Budget Committee about the government's position on
therapists practicing spiritual and psycho-therapy without a medical
practitioner's licence.
Ushio, a Committee member replied "Little more than a decade
ago hypnosis and similar practices were considered demonic, but
nowadays, after proper research these practices are effectively
used to treat psychiatric patients. It is difficult to try to
solve all human problems with medical science. Physicians adhere
to scientific medical practices in order to treat disease. The
Medical Faculty does not consider touch therapy or electro-therapy
to be medical practices."
This is why our method is subject to neither those regulations
governing medical practitioners, nor those governing acupuncture
or moxa heat therapy.
Surely such healing abilities only come to those who are spiritually
evolved, rather than through training?
not so. Every living, breathing being possesses the spiritual
ability to heal. This is true of plants, animals, fish and insects,
but it is humans - the culmination of creation - who possess the
greatest power.
Our method is a practical manifestation of this power.
Can anyone receive initiation into Usui Reiki Ryoho?
Of course.
Men and women, old or young, educated and uneducated - anyone
with natural (moral?) sense can
certainly receive the ability in a short time to treat themselves
and others.
I have taught more than a thousand people and not one has failed
to have the desired result. Even those who have only learned
shoden have gained the ability to treat illnesses.
Thinking about it it seems strange that we can gain the ability
to heal in such a short time - something so difficult for people
to do. But this is the thing about our spiritual method - that
we can learn to do something so difficult in a simple way.
I can heal other people with it, but can I also heal myself?
we can't heal our own disorders, how could we heal others?
How can I receive the second degree (Okuden) - what does it
consists of several methods - hatsu rei ho; patting, stroking
and pressing hands; distance treatment; healing of habits/propensities;
We will give okuden to enthusiastic shoden students
who bring good results, are of good character, and behave properly.
Is there
still more beyond Okuden?
there is Shinpiden level. [pron: