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Copyright © 2003-5 James Deacon
[Updated Jan 2007]

The Reiki Principles, according to Hyakuten Inamoto

Today only
Do not anger
Do not worry
With gratitude work diligently
Be kind to others

Hyakuten Inamoto, an 'independent' Buddhist priest, studied Reiki with the late Chiyoko Yamaguchi - a student of Chujiro Hayashi and teacher of Jikiden Reiki.

At the time, Chiyoko Yamaguchi's Reiki teaching was oral in nature, so Inamoto-san created a manual/workbook for his own students, and modified elements of Mrs Yamaguchi's teachings to reflect his own personal understanding of (and approach to) Reiki.

He also incorporated various Buddhist concepts, terms and practices, as well as some elements probably drawn from Hiroshi Doi's Gendai Reiki teachings.

Inamoto-san named his system Komyo Reiki.

Komyo Reiki places emphasis on personal spiritual transformation or Satori - through Reiki practice. (Inamoto-san teaches that Usui-sensei intended his system to be a path to enlightenment)

Komyo is taught in four levels: (1) Shoden, (2) Chuden, (3) Okuden & (4) Shinpiden (Teacher level). An all-enclusive weekend workshop is also available (existing Reiki masters only).

The focus of the first two levels is on the therapeutic aspect of Reiki, while the third and fourth levels have a more spiritual focus.

Each level is not considered an 'advancement' on the previous, but rather each level simply has a specific element of the overall teaching to convey.

Level 1 is concerned with self-healing. Training covers the basic history and knowledge of Reiki and basic hands-on healing techniques for self and others, and includes 4 reiju attunements. It has been taught over a four-week period, or as two, 3-hour classes

Level 2 is concerned with self-healing and also with healing others. Training covers the first three shirushi (symbols) and their jumon (mantras) and how to use them; also includes 4 reiju attunements. Training is a single 4-hour class

Level 3 introduces the student to the more spiritual aspects of Komyo, e.g. putting the Reiki principles into action in your daily living; and covers the fourth shirushi (symbol) and jumon (mantra) and how to use it.
2 reiju attunements are given at this level. Training is a 4 - 5 hour class (or occasionally, this might be presented over two classes)

Level 4 covers attunements/reiju and how to pass them to others, as well as teaching the three mudra practices:
jo sango, renge bu sanmaya, and butsu bu sanmaya
[1] - which are used in the Komyo Reiki attunement/reiju process.

Komyo Reiki teaches three different types of reiju, each for use in different situations

There are slight differences in the forms of the first three symbols, as used in Komyo Reiki, compared to those commonly taught in western-style Reiki.

There are further differences concerning the symbol-names and jumon. [For example, the second syllable of HSZSN is pronounced ja, rather than sha].

Hatsurei ho
is an central element of Komyo Reiki - as is the Buddhist contemplative breathing practice: anapanasati, and there is a definite emphasis on the philosophical aspects of Reiki.

Inamoto-san also emphasises the importance of daily gassho meditation on the Reiki Principles, and holds that this, along with daily use of Reiki therapeutic practice itself, will raise energy levels and deepen the practitioner's connection to Reiki, bringing greater peace, balance and centeredness to their lives

Great significance is also placed on 'being in the moment' and trusting in Reiki, no matter what particular technique or self-developmental texercise we are practicing

The Komyo Reiki Kai (Association) has the motto: "Go placidly in the midst of praise or blame"



[1]These three also comprise part of the esoteric Buddhist goshimbo ('five-fold protection method')

[2] a 'full' version, a 'condensed' or 'compressed' version, and an 'open' or 'temporary' version. This latter reiju (which is very simple and does not use symbols) may be given to non-Reiki practitioners. It does not permanently awaken the Reiki ability. Amongst other things it imparts therapeutic benefit to the individual, however the effects of this particular reiju will, in time, wear off.

Is it not clear as to the exact sources of some elements Inamoto-san has incorporated into Komyo which do not come from Yamaguchi's Reiki. Inamoto-san has no doubt been influenced by some of Hiroshi Doi ideas; and the 'open reiju', for example, seems to be based on William Rand's temporary 'healing attunement'.
Also, Komyo's 4-level format is very reminiscent of the 4-level - 1, 2, (3)ART, (3a)Master - format of teaching used by many 'independent' western Reiki Teachers.

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