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[ Apr 11, 1873 - Jun 10, 1946]

We are told that Toshihiro Eguchi, a friend of Usui-Sensei spent several months working and studying with Usui-Sensei in late 1920/early 1921

In 1923, it is said that Eguchi returned to Usui-Sensei's training centre to practice his own te-no-hira ('palm of the hand') healing system which apparently incorporated elements of Usui-Sensei's teachings.

Eguchi's system apparently had religious overtones - it utilised meditation/prayer based healing and included a form of blessing ceremony that Eguchi had learned from a friend named Tenko Nishida [founder of the Ittoen community].

Usui-Sensei, it seems, was somewhat uncomfortable with Eguchi's approach but eventually permitted Eguchi to teach at the centre on a twice-weekly basis.

He was allowed to perform the blessing ceremony, but apparently not allowed to chant a prayer element known as the Komyo Kigan .

Eguchi went on to found his own school:
Eguchi Te-no-hira Ryoji Kenkyukai (Palm Healing Research Association) in 1928, and taught his system of healing to members of Tenko Nishida's Ittoen community in 1929.

In 1930 he published: Te-no-hira Ryoji Nyumon (An Introduction to Healing with the Palms) and later, in 1954: Te-no-hira Ryoji Wo Kataru (A Tale of Healing with the Palms of the Hands) .

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